So this time last year I was on the path to being a children's book illustrator.
I found out that's not the direction I should be going in right now. It might happen later but for the time being, I'm working on editorial type illustrations and just having fun with all of it.
I draw or create art every day but the amount of pressure has been lifted.
I went into the children's book world because every one told me that my work looked like it would be a good fit.
Well great.
However, that didn't necessarily mean I would be a good fit for the children's book world.
I create from the heart as all artists do but the work that I was doing was empty. It didn't have my passion or my love in it which meant the drawings came out lifeless and dull.
Lifeless and dull is not me.
I tried it. I didn't like it. It's okay.
After that I took a long look at how far my art skill had progressed since before graduation and after.
I've come a long way.
I'm an illustrator. I'm a designer. I'm an artist. All of this is true.
The question I always find myself asking is where do I belong? Do I belong anywhere? I stopped putting pressure on myself to create and just started having fun with it again.
What happened was amazing.
Me being the fearless person I am, I took a risk. I started looking for work that I could do to fuel my artistic hunger. I didn't know where this would take me and I didn't know what exactly I was looking for but I knew it was out there.
What I found was freedom.
I am now a graphic designer for a real estate company where I get to create marketing postcards. They wanted someone artistic, creative, and someone that thinks outside the box.
That's perfect!!
I can't tell you how refreshing it is to be able to have the artistic freedom to create ideas from scratch. I get to put my unique creative talents to work and they get fresh new ideas that no one has ever seen!!
Pinch me!
Sounds great! Design freedom, creativity, paycheck. The perfect combination. Congratulations. : )